Wednesday, February 02, 2005

RESULTS! Month 1

At the beginning my goal was to fit in my skinny pants and get down to a weight of 84kgs (from a weight of 88kgs)

My skinny pants fit, though not as well as I would like. I wasnt the button to hover nicely under the button hole before I do them up. It is about 1cm away at the moment.

My weight on Day 29 was 83.6 kgs. Success! 4.4 kgs!

You might want to know how my other half went. She lost 2 kgs. She was not happy with that, though I was not surprised as I stuck to the rules more adamently than she did. Still, 2kgs is not too bad and if she loses another 2kgs this month it will show.

It has not been THAT hard to keep to the rules. The hardest one to keep to is the 7:30 rule, but I am convinced it should stay as it prevents me from snacking when I am home alone at night.

So what do I do now that I know the rules might work? Change them! This is to incorporate what I have learnt over the past month and to make them a little more easy to live with on a day to day basis.

The rules are -

1) Don't eat after 7:30pm

2) 45 mins exercise 6 days / wk: I have upped this from the previous 30 mins

3) Forbidden foods limit: At this stage, I can have one forbidden item (cheese, chocolate, nuts) once per week. Not one of each.

4, 5 & 6) Energy requirements, Fat requirements, Protein requirements: These are now part of the rules which I must obey

7) Nothing in pantry > 10% fat

8) One meal / wk not counted: This replace the eat out once a fortnight rule. When applied, I will assume the day kj, fat and protein intakes is the max allowed

9) Weights 3-4 days / wk: Weight training is now required. I did it previously, but now it is a rule. I usually go 4 times a week.

10) Don't read scales: This is the best rule of all. The last time I read the scales I was 4kgs hevier than I am now. Might powerful motivation!

One last thing. I will only be blogging my results on a weekly basis. Daily recording is very time consuming. I hope that the feel of the site is not lost by me changing to this new format.

Week Four - Analysis

Week 4 was, in all, a good week. Kjs went down to 9,040 and Fat was a low 34g. Protein was almost acceptable at 67g.

I have become progressively better at monitoring my Kj intake over the course of the four weeks. Fat has been universally low over the four weeks.

Day Twenty-seven and Twenty-eight (Week Four)

For some reason, I did not keep records on The Rules for this day. I can still quote my energy and fat intakes, though.

Day 27: 7,010 Kjs, 31 gms fat

Day 28: 9,727 Kjs, 9 gms fat

As you can see, this was a nice recovery from the very average day 26.

Day Twenty-six (Week Four)

Australia Day. Now this was a dietary disaster. Went out to eat - which I was allowed to do once a fortnight, by which this complied - but I did not count on the size of the servings. Massive entree of Ceasar and a resonably large serving of Gnochi Calabrese. And did I stop there? No way! I shared sticky date with the other half as well.

This is why I avoid eating out.

13,033 Kjs, 84 gms fat

Don't eat after 7:30 pm = FAIL

30 mins cardio 6 days / wk = NA

No cheese = FAIL

No chocolate = PASS

No nuts = PASS

No bread = PASS

Nothing in pantry > 10% fat = PASS

Eat out once a f'night = PASS

Don't read scales = PASS

1/2 bottle wine p.w. = NA

Day Twenty-five (Week Four)

Not a great day, but no disaster either. When I have the other half over, it would seem I eat more. Sure enough, it was the combination of her home cooked dinner plus some tzatsiki and bisuits that put me a little over.

10,725 Kjs, 38 gms fat

Don't eat after 7:30 pm = PASS

30 mins cardio 6 days / wk = PASS

No cheese = PASS

No chocolate = PASS

No nuts = PASS

No bread = PASS

Nothing in pantry > 10% fat = PASS

Eat out once a f'night = NA

Don't read scales = PASS

1/2 bottle wine p.w. = NA

Day Twenty-four (Week Four)

Just about the perfect day. And Protein was above requirement as well.

8,191 Kjs, 32 gms fat

Don't eat after 7:30 pm = PASS

30 mins cardio 6 days / wk = PASS

No cheese = PASS

No chocolate = PASS

No nuts = PASS

No bread = PASS

Nothing in pantry > 10% fat = PASS

Eat out once a f'night = NA

Don't read scales = PASS

1/2 bottle wine p.w. = NA